About the platform

The team of our association “FOR CHANGE” believes in the good in people. We believe that the citizens of Sandanski and the region have the potential and are very well capable of changing the fate not only of a couple of individuals but of the reality surrounding us toward something better. Therefore, we took on the challenge of creating this charity platform. We managed to implement it in the implementation of activity 3: Development of a local electronic platform for donations under a project called "BECOME A DONOR - BE THE CHANGE", Contract № 5 / 01.09.2021 to Contract № BEE.1042.20210108 / 24.03.2021, thanks of the financial support of the AGORA Platform in partnership with America for Bulgaria Foundation, Local Donation Development Program. Through it, we aim to activate donations in the region, to give the opportunity to create and implement donation campaigns with public, social, environmental, and other socially significant causes. Through it, we aim to activate the donations in the region, to give the opportunity of creating and realizing the charity campaigns with public, social, ecological, and other socially significant causes.


A campaign can be created by any physical or legal entity from the territory of Sandanski and the region (the district of Blagoevgrad). It is important to clarify that in order to avoid any abuse it is inadmissible the creation of campaigns for personal gain on the platform by a physical or legal entity. 


The campaigns and all activities in this aspect are approved by the platform’s management team and representatives of the “FOR CHANGE” Association. We value volunteering and donating, therefore, for us it is especially important each campaign to be transparent and checked. 


Creating a campaign on the platform is absolutely free. Physical and legal entities, who create campaigns do not owe anything to the Association for that.

EACH LEV DONATED GOES TO A SPECIFIC CAMPAIGN! It is important to present in full clarity and transparency to the contributors as well as the creators of the campaigns, showing that the Association does not charge for any taxes or commissions, that there are no deductions nor hidden clauses. 

We believe that giving changes. We believe that each penny brings hope. We believe that together we are stronger and better!


Each campaign creator provides a way of gathering funds. After choosing a campaign that you wish to support, follow the steps shown there. If there is a bank account provided you should go to a bank and donate through a bank transaction or you can use online banking if you have one. On the platform, you choose the amount donated, which after the approval of the donation recipient it is marked as “received”.

If you wish to support a specific campaign by volunteer work or by providing materials, please mark it as it is shown on the actual campaign. 

None of the donated funds goes through the “FOR CHANGE” Association! We are just the medium between the good and the specific need that can be supported!!!

Платформата е създадена по проект с наименование ,,СТАНИ ДАРИТЕЛ- БЪДИ ПРОМЯНАТА‘‘, Договор № 5/01.09.2021 към Договор № BEE.1042.20210108/24.03.2021, който се реалиеализира с финансовата подкрепа на Фондация ,,Америка за България в партньорство с ‘‘Платформа ,,АГОРА‘‘ по Програма ,,Развитие на дарителството на местно ниво“.


The main purpose of the Association is to work for the creation of the best conditions and opportunities possible for the inclusion of vulnerable children, youths, adults, and families from various social groups of the society.

Read more About us


We welcome your questions, opinions, suggestions and inquiries!

You can contact the “FOR CHANGE” Association and its representatives by:

Sending an email to: for.change.bg@gmail.com

Sending a message on our Facebook page: For Change BG

Additional information